
You can run, but you can't hide!!!Great pic.  Great energy.  Intense.

From the photographer:

With my pictures I am trying to bring people as many people as possible to help our Nonprofit Animal Rescue Organization called Hope For Paws.

We’ll you got my attention- Great Capture! 

This would be my vote for the image next to the definition for fierce– “furiously eager or intense”.

It’s All About The Roosevelts


"It's All About The Roosevelts, Baby"

I’m no expert on the quality of advertising, but I think Taco Bell hit a home run with this ad– I saw it for the first time watching the MLB All Star Game.  It least it leaves a grin on my face, and makes me want to share it.  

cash strapped
a lttle short on the greenbacks
that’s what it’s like growin’ up in the cul de sacs…

I’m spreadin’ the message…

“It’s All About The Roosevelts, Baby”

The Speculators


I remember reading this spring that gas prices would likely rise due to suppliers cutting production- while demand increased and gained momentum during an economic recovery (or an economy that sucked less:).  This certainly, would not be good for consumers, considering the current state of the economy.  Well, Gas prices are on the rise again, and I for one, am concerned. 

The New York Times wrote recently about the recent volatility in oil & gas prices:

Last summer, prices surged to a record high above $145 a barrel, driving up gasoline prices to well over $4 a gallon. As the global economy faltered, oil tumbled to $33 a barrel in December. But oil has risen 55 percent since the beginning of the year, to $70 a barrel, pushing gas prices up again to $2.60 a gallon…

So prices are creeeeeeeping up on us again.  Is it natural supply and demand forces at play, or is it gouging, by the big players- The Speculators?  The Times sugests that it’s both:

Supply fears are creeping back into the market, … And there are increasing fears that the political instability in Iran could spill over onto the oil market, potentially hampering the country’s exports. The OPEC cartel has also been remarkably successful in reining in production in recent months to keep prices from falling.

 A popular opinion from a commenter of the Times article says,

Its been documented repeatedly that the run up to $4 per gallon gas was nothing but a speculators ruse. Nobody went to jail and there was no investigation by our so called elected representatives. Now its happening again a year later and the media are complicit by ignoring the obvious. This is a demonstrative case that supply and demand are a myth and that conglomerates and investors prey on the public with their willing accomplices, government and media.

Regardless of why gas prices are rising, fear by consumers of increased energy expenses is not a good way to turn the economy around.  The concern may however, help build further support for energy independence and new technologies- and big picture, this could be good… 


The Times has reported some potentially good news today about speculative trading in energy products:

Reacting to swings in oil prices in recent months, federal regulators announced on Tuesday that they were considering trading restrictions on hedge funds and other “speculative” traders in markets for oil, natural gas and other energy products.

Limiting volatility in energy prices, due to speculative traders, seems like a step in the right direction for our current economic situation…

7.11.09: more- npr article/audio

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samparkour 2

Parkour is the art of movement, which has been defined as:

both a discipline with the aim of moving from one point to another as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible using principally the abilities of the human body, but is also built on a philosophical premise, perhaps more similar to martial arts than to a sport such as gymnastics. -via

Also, I guess one way you could think of it, is as athletic and acrobatic yoga.  Like yoga or martial arts, Parkour is a transformative practice, which is described here  by Parkour Generations, “as the regular practice of particular physical movements with the intent to improve them and, concurrently, to improve the self as well.”

Anyway, here’s a nicely done video short called Samparkour, which:

reveals the city of São Paulo (Brazil) under the look of Parkour. Where people see obstacles, Zico Corrêa visualize new possibilities.

Pretty awesome stuff…

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Michael Jackson- The “Monetized” Boy

MJWith all intent for sympathy and respect, I feel a sense of relief for Michael Jackson.  It’s too sad that death is his final, and likely only, solace.  Anytime you hear of a child passing, you feel an extra, deeper level of grief and regret.  I’m feeling strangely similar things about Michael Jackson too.  He seemed so troubled for many years. 

A boy trapped in a 50 year old body, obviously in pain, has left the world.  Good in a sense, because he is no longer in pain.  Good too because the pressure has been alleviated.  Good, because he had 50 years to grace the world.  Bad because his spotlight likely caused him great pain, which may have taken him too soon.  

His celebrity was its own industry- no?  It’s own little economy supporting an army of trickle down jobs.  Each soldier photosynthesizing off his spotlight.  That’s quite a bit of pressure, especially when the army you feed, needs you to do something, anything, to keep the spotlight on.  Anyway, I digress…   

The world is, like he says in Heal the World, is “A better place,” because of him and his boyish persona. 

Here’s to you Mr. Jackson and all the goodness and excellence you stood for.

Notorious Nostalgia

White Ford Truck

I took this pic the other day- June 19th.  Why?  It looks like a white Ford Bronco.  You know, the one O.J. Simpson so notoriously rode in years ago.  He was rolling down the highway in a white Bronco while being chased by over a dozen police cars.  It was on live on TV and reminiscent of a running back breaking away from the line of scrimmage toward the endzone.  I’m not sure if my pic is a Bronco exactly or just a Ford pickup with a topper.       

Anyway, when I see an SUV resembling a white Ford Bronco, it takes me to a certian place in my mind.  Often I’m compelled to reprocess my own experience.  I see the Bronco, then I’m taken to the little O.J. zone in my brain where I store the low speed chase along with various “meta data.”  I then thumb through adjacent and linked memories.  Many of these are good.  I was in college.  It was summertime.  Friends, parties, baseball, etc. all pulsate back into my present.  Pretty amazing, how a white SUV can as, Will Smith puts it in Summertime, “spark up nostalgia.”

I just searched the web using “white ford bronco Simpson.”  I discovered some recent articles about the 15th anniversary of the chase occurring on June 17, 2009.  Ironic and somewhat serendipitous timing for me to write this, I guess.  Ford ceased production of the Bronco in 1996.  The “death” of the Bronco came within two years of O.J. Simpson chase in 1994.  One article I found implies O.J. is “responsible” for the death of the Bronco (here).  Less dramatically, Wikipedia states:

[The bronco] was replaced by the Ford Expedition, which was introduced as the successor to the Bronco, and more effectively competed with GM’s Chevrolet Tahoe.

Today, I’m older and have more experience.  I’m a parent now.  I’ve lost my mother who died June 30th, 1999.  She was 49.  I can better understand the attachment of a parent to a child.  I can better understand the loss experienced by survivors.  I’m feeling more sensitive to the families and friends of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.  Sadly, their murder is the preceding event, after which the media thrust the O.J. incident into so many of us- permanently.  The chase is now the opening to the window of nostalgia for many.  “I remember where I was,” line seems to follow any mention of the chase.

OJ_Simpson_ChaseThe media rode the O.J. trial so exhaustively.  I watched.  People talked.  The whole country consumed the it.  Careers were made.  A racial divide emerged…

AMC’s Mad Men had an episode (The Wheel), which touches on nostalgia.  Don Draper, had this line during a presentation for a slide projector:

Nostalgia – it’s delicate, but potent. Teddy told me that in Greek, “nostalgia” literally means “the pain from an old wound.” It’s a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone.

So, I see a white Bronco- I twinge. I throb.  I’m taken to thoughts from my younger days- fun, summertime, possibilities.  I also sense wounds, loss, confusion.  I wonder.  I think…  Today, I wonder how many white Broncos sold after the event(s).  I wonder how often owners of similar vehicles get harassed with O.J. jabs.  I wonder how many people repainted their white Bronco to quell comments from their neighbors and passer-bys.   WTF happened that night?  WTF happened after, with the trial, etc?  Why am I writing this, and is it some strange coincidence that I’m just now realizing it’s going to be the 10th anniversary of my mom’s death? 

Ironically, my mom bought me a Bronco jacket when I was little kid.  The power of the Bronco, is strong today.

Snake Helps with Food Allergies


According to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN), 90% of all food-allergic reactions are caused by the following: 

Dairy, Egg, Peanut, Tree nuts, Fish, Shellfish, Soy, Wheat

As a parent of a kid with allergies to six of the eight above foods, including peanuts, I think this photograph, by Horacio Salinas does a great job of communicating the seriousness of the matter.  I have long equated, dropping my little girl off at a place where peanuts will be served, to dropping her off in the same room with a dangerous snake.  Yes, peanuts don’t move, like a snake, but their danger is movable- especially when you mix peanut butter and room full of toddlers or preschoolers.  They touch everything and a lot of what they touch ends up in their mouths. 

A common misconception we run into, is people think it is peanut “oil” that is responsible.  I understand food allergies to be caused by certain proteins, and since an oil is a fat, it technically is not responsible for allergic reactions.  The FAAN mentions, “Studies show that most allergic individuals can safely eat peanut oil,” but then warns of oils resulting from various processing methods.  I suspect certain methods of processing remove all proteins from the oil, while others don’t.  Anyway, since the risk is great and knowledge of the processing is usually zero, we stay away from all peanut products. 

Another tidbit from the FAAN, which addresses allergies and the common misunderstanding of the difference between food intolerance and allergies is, “Many people think the terms food allergy and food intolerance mean the same thing; however, they do not. Food intolerance, unlike a food allergy, does not involve the immune system and is not life-threatening.” 

Thank you, Mr. Salinas for helping communicate the level of concern for some food allergies- 

More from the FAAN-

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